claptrap: a Go flags library. Very small, much features! No dependencies & getoptish.

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claptrap opts lib: very small, much features, getoptish

Every few months, when I start a new CLI, I spend a good amount of time looking around for a flags library. For trivial programs, the stdlib flag library is OK, but it breaks getopt arguments style, the undisputed most popular arguments standard for POSIXy OSes, in the world. And there are a wealth of alternative flags libraries available, some quite good, but I am inevitably unsatisfied with them for usually one of three reasons:

Over time, I’d built up some tooling to evaluate lib tools; I’ve posted that, and the analysis, here, and I focused this time on clapper, which seemed to fit the bill. There were a couple of small features I wanted, and I sent in a couple of patches, but after one particularly engaging hacking session I ended up with a drastic rewrite that maintained and expanded the feature set while preserving the small size and general getopts compatability. At this point, it was a different library, so I rebranded it and Claptrap was born.

Claptrap is a small but powerful Go package to parse command-line arguments
getopt(3) style. Designed to not burden your application down while providing a rich feature set and validation. for making CLI based libraries with ease. It has support for:

And it’s 455 lines of code, and 0 dependencies.