Baby's progress
So, I finally got around to automating generating the weekly weight graph; whatever loads here should be current (you might have to reload the page). We weight on Saturdays.
I doubt I’ll provide text updates unless there’s some significant event. His target weight remains 15lbs; at some point in there, we’ll have his triglycerides checked again and see how he looks. When he gets into the 15’s we’re going to stop focusing on losing and start working on maintaining. He’d probably be healthier around 12lbs, but then there’s a quality of life question.
Update 1, 2024-12-27 #
The Litter Robot we had was dying It’s always been ill; it’s been fussy, and I’ve had to repair it countless times. If it weren’t so darned useful, I’d have thrown it away long before now. The motor struggles and it frequently hangs; I’ve had to replace the weight sensor; I’ve had to tighten the rotator gear, which was slipping; and it often gets confused. I do not recommend it. , so I got a Neakasa, which is a much better execution of the concept. Despite my strong objection to dependence on external data servers, data collection and commodification, nag-ware, and incessant marketing – all of which Neakasa has, I did reluctantly connect it to the internet, which allows you to track usage. It also has a built-in scale, the accuracy of which I’m skeptical. I haven’t gone through the (laborious) calibration process, although I’ll inevitably have a day when I’m bored enough to do that. It is providing a far more convenient way of capturing weight measurements, and far more frequently. I haven’t yet figured out if I can pull the raw data from Neakasa, but if I (a) confirm consistency and reasonable accuracy, and (b) get automated access to my own data from Neakasa’s servers, then we may stop manually weighing.
I still haven’t thrown out the Litter Robot.
Update 2, 2025-01-10 #
The cat’s weights have been slowly dropping; for Baby, this wouldn’t concern me as he really should ideally be between 10 and 15 lbs, but Tissot’s weight has been slipping, too, and this worries us. So we switched to full-calorie dry food, and both of their weights are climbing. We’re going to have to do more tuning; Tissot’s weight is now where we want it to be, but Baby’s keeps climbing, and he’s over 16 as often as he is under, and that’s not ideal.